


Warrior Execute button not being greyed out properly.

siven80 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


The addon doesnt seem to grey out Execute correctly on Retail.
There has been many times it hasnt greyed out Execute while it is unable to be used. On a button with and without a keybind.
Havent even been able to understand why either.


Can confirm, happens on my action bars that use Show States. Fury spec.
For example my bars use [exists, nomounted][combat] show; hide
When no target is present my bars are hidden, then i select NPC and Execute not greyed out properly. Range check works fine though.


Ah yes it seems thats it.
Had my bars (default UI) set to visible in combat.
When turned off to show all the time, Execute seems to grey out properly.


This should be resolved in 11.0.3


Not fixed for me in 11.0.3, actually got worse.
Before 11.0.3 it was only on actionbars which use show states. Now in 11.0.3 after a while bug appears even on always active actionbars.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enable Dominos bar with Show States [exists, nomounted][combat] show; hide
  2. Place Execute on it (Fury spec)
  3. Clear target
  4. Walk out of range
  5. Target enemy NPC (while out of range): Execute icon is red
  6. Walk to NPC: Execute appears usable while its not

Yeah, its still not working right.

Not greying out when it should, happens less often on Bar 1 for some reason.


Fixed in 11.04. Thanks Tuller.


Certainly seems to be fixed. thanks