Undermine Real Tracker
This addon will help you track which bosses you have looted Tarnished Undermine Reals from today.
It will automatically reset each day.
Type ingame to open the menu.
or /reals
Note that it will only track coins it has seen you loot. If you install it after killing bosses for today then it wont show.
Also clicking on a name will let you manually toggle the status for that boss.
Use the small arrows in the top right to change the size of the menu, and the character selector on the left to see your other characters with saved data.
Check out my other addons!
Simple Logs and Armory Links: curseforge.com/wow/addons/logs-and-armory-links-laal
Tempmute Players and Chats: curseforge.com/wow/addons/tempmute
Simple Waylaid Supply Tooltip: curseforge.com/wow/addons/simplewaylaidtooltip
Undermine Reals Tracker: curseforge.com/wow/addons/undermine-real-tracker
If you'd like to say thank you with your wallet, coffee donations are greatly appreciated:
Thanks for the help, joe.is.cool