


Shows a list of tank frames combined from Blizzard, oRA3, oRA2 and CTRA. No matter in what way tanks are set, you will see them!



Did you ever face the problem in a raid, that the leader sets maintank targets and some people still telling "i can't see maintanks"? Mostly this is caused by the use of different sources to set maintanks. By now the raid leader could have set the tanks with the Blizzard raid interface, oRA3, oRA2 or CT_Raidassist. It's even possible to not use maintanks an just refer to Blizzards tank roles.

UnifiedTankFrames takes care of detecting in which way tanks are set and shows up a combined list with all maintanks. So you don't have to bother about it anymore, you'll always see the maintanks. In terms of Blizzard tank roles this also works in 5 man parties (optional, disabled by default).

TankFrame Features

  • Tanks with Targets
  • Target of Target (optional, disabled by default)
  • Raid Target Icons (Skull, Star, ...)
  • Health Bar and Percentage
  • Scale and Size Options
  • Right Click Menu
  • Unit Tooltips
  • Highlight Your Target
  • Clique Support (not verified)
  • Grow Up or Down
  • Place Targets to Left or Right Side of Tanks

The tank frames are an adapted version of Rabbits SimpleTankFrames.

Type /utf to open the UnifiedTankFrames settings or open the interface addon settings via game menu.

Supported Tank Sources

All these sources are enabled by default and can be disabled via interface options.

  • Blizzard maintanks and mainassists
    Promoted maintanks or mainassists whitin the Blizzard Raid UI. It's possible to show only tanks, assists or both.
  • Blizzard tank roles
    Players with tank role. Even works in party, e.g. random dungeon group (optional, disabled by default).
  • oRA3
    oRA3 uses Blizzard maintanks and supplements personal tanks. It also remembers your tanks and set's them next time you face these people as personal tanks again. Hint: Disable oRA3 in UnifiedTankFrames and only use Blizzard maintanks as source if you don't like this behavior and just want to see actual set tanks by the raid leader.
  • oRA2 and any CT_Raidassist compatible
    All maintanks set via CT_Raidassist compatible addon communication. This includes oRA2, as it's based on CTRA .

Finally there is now also a Yourself (e.g. to Test Settings) option which will set your own character as a tank in UnifiedTankFrames. It's disabled by default.