Unstuck Windowed From Top


Unstuck Windowed From Top, v1

Slash command: /zz - make WoW unstuck from always on top mode.

Sometimes World of Warcraft in windowed mode gets stuck always on top - i.e. no matter how much you Alt-Tab or press "Show Desktop", you can see taskbar and window switcher, but no actuall windows or desktop itself. Just google for "wow stuck on top".

Usual workaround is to restart client or switch fullscreen/windowed modes, but there's even faster one - "switch" monitors between primary and first, which is the same thing for most of the players.

Still even this approach is slow, as it requires you to go into options and click around. That's where this addon comes in - it adds a /zz chat command that changes monitor settings and restarts graphics engine, ungluing WoW from top of screen in less than a second.

Change log

2015-06-27 v1

  • Initial implementation.