UpRank Classic

UpRank Classic


Originally developed by Mckenziemc during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. This person doesn't appear to be active on Curse Forge anymore. Original add on location: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/uprank - I've cleaned up the code and have made it compatible with World of Warcraft Classic.


Scans your action bars for lower ranked spells and replaces them with the highest rank available. UpRank is designed primarily for players leveling in WoW Classic who aren't accustomed to placing newly purchased spell ranks onto their Action Bars. By default, your bars are scanned on login, after buying a new ability and after you retrain talents, but this can be disabled. In either case "/uprank scan" will start a manual scan. Settings are saved per-character, and scanning is automatic by default for characters below the level cap (it defaults to "report only" for level 60s). See the commands below for how to change the scan automation.


  • Checks your action bars for low rank spells and replaces them with the highest available rank when you log in, purchase new abilities or retrain talents.
  • Can be configured to ignore spells by name (all ranks or specific ranks) or to let you preview changes before applying them.


Type /uprank or /ur, followed by any one of these commands. 

scan: Upranks all the spells on your action bars.

report: Checks for down ranked spells but does not fix them.

auto on/off: Enable/Disable automatic up-ranking.

auto report: Automatic scans will only report down ranked spells.

ignore <spellName> <rank>: Rank can be \"all\", \"none\", or a number.

clear-ignores: Clears the list of ignored spells.

show-ignores: Lists the currently ignored spells.