Van32's CombatMusic

Van32's CombatMusic



This file is covering how the "RenameMusic.bat" file operates.

From the batch file

If you double-clicked on this file and are reading this text... then you messed something up. Make sure that you have "Hide extensions for known file types" turned OFF in your folder settings BEFORE trying to open this file! If you can't figure out how to change that setting, then visit for instructions


Start by renaming the file “RenameMusic.bat.txt” to just “RenameMusic.bat”. This will bring up a prompt stating that “If you change a file’s extension, it may no longer be usable.” Just ignore the prompt and click OK.

Move the file you just renamed to “Interface\Music\” or, if that doesn’t exist, “Interface\” will do. Once it’s there, you’ll need songs for it to rename. If you don’t have any folders or songs, or don’t know what I’m talking about here, just run the file once, and it will make any folders that you’ll need for CombatMusic to work.

If you have music already in the folders and it’s all set up, then run the batch file again, and it will go through each of the folders, renaming the songs that you put in there to be recognized by CombatMusic’s random song picker.

Side Note

You can only use .mp3 files for now, as WoW is a bit picky and wants the extension when I ask for the music files.