Small window showing nearby players. Friendly players are green and enemies are red (by default)
PvP events shown as icons on the map
List frame docked as a tab in the friends frame
If a player is on your nicelist or hatelist and is your WoW "friend" their name will be colored and the VanasKoS reason will be shown as a note.
Dropdown when minimap button (or data-broker icon) clicked
KOS options on player context menu
Color ignore list entries that are also on your hate/nicelist and show the corresponding reason
KoS List, with mouse-over stats window
One of the several pvp stats views. This is view by date.
List of the most recently seen players
Shows a colored dragon around the target frame (and party frame) depending on which list the target is on.
LDB/minimap mouseover frame showing nearby players
One of the many pvp stats viewing options. This one is the map zone view.