Vendetta Kill Points

Vendetta Kill Points


This is a rather boring addon. All it does is that it gives you as an officer an structured way to import DKP into the officernotes. Members can then read that note and get different lists. This can be used for storing DKP or other numbers that you keep track of outside the game. The functions in game is as follows:

Usage / slash commands

  • /vkp just displays the players points
  • /vkp {{ class }} gives that class points. For instance /vkp mages vil give the points for mages.
  • /vkp import will give you the import window.
  • /vkp bid will give you the bid window.

Importing data

When importing data just import directly from Excel. Any data that starts with the charname and ends with a number will be accepted. Tab separated data from Google Sheets work perfectly. For instance: Willow 123 Sigfried 562 This will put as expected 123 points on Willow and 562 points for Sigfried. And we can congratulate Sigfried with both a great char name and dominanse in the the Point system.

Bidding window

The addon have a simple bidder functionality that let you manage auctions of items in the guild.


  • You need to be an offiser to upload data
  • Officernotes need to be public.


The system also keeps an option open for adjustments. This is for integrating with systems that tracks loot. Or other systems that you don't want to overwrite the other numbers.