This addon currently has some very basic chat commands for checking strength, stamina, agility and intellect, Defence rating + Game Version
It saves amount of times logged in and also saves how many level ups you got on a character on a previous play session.

Addon is still very much W.I.P

Join the Discord here:

/vgs str, /vgs agi, /vgs stam, /vgs int. (/vgs IntVer shows interface version)

Future Ideas to implement:

IsAddOnLoaded - check if addon is loaded

WowTokenPublic.UpdateMarketPrice - Update market price for wow tokens then

WowTokenPublic.GetGuaranteedPrice - tell player how much a token is guaranteed to sell for

GetRestState Tell players if they are rested

GetXPExhaustion Tell player how much rested xp they have

Paper Doll functions

Auto AcceptResurrect

Auto RetrieveCorpse

Auto Accept Summon

skip / cancel cutscenes

Currency - List current quantities of all currency with /vgs currency

Add a UI

Recruit-a-Friend things

Use /vgs dung for auto Group Finder
use /vgs raid for auto Raid Finder

Auto Create useful Macros

GetNetStats - Notify of high ping with timer

Anti Trade Scam Alert?

Change game Font?

Hunter Stable things