Vita Planner

Vita Planner


Vita Planner

Created by Azulorr <Vita Obscura> - Caelestrasz-US

What is Vita Planner?

A raid management addon for the purposes of substituting players in for a particular boss. Includes an EPGP Lootmaster style communication system that allows a group planner to get preferences from others in the raid.


For the normal raider, simply download this addon and have it on during raid. The only alteration you may wish to change is if the popups appear in combat or not. Simply left mouse click on the minimap icon, DataBroker icon or type /vp combat

For the planner(s) download the addon and enable the Vita Planner Leader addon in your Addons menu. To open the interface, <shift> left click the the minimap icon or Data Broker icon, or type /vpl.

You must select a boss on the left before you can see the main planning functions. From the top, there is a link to the Encounter Journal for the selected boss. This link is sent in Raid Warnings and in the popup received by all members who have the base addon installed.

Select the size or difficulty of the raid content you are doing. This is important for 3 reasons:

  1. The raid size is sent along to the other raid members
  2. It helps the Encounter Journal link identify the difficulty level
  3. It changes how the addon detects the raid groups in for each mode
    1. For Normal and Heroic, groups 1 - 6 are classified as "In"
    2. For Mythic, groups 1 - 4 are classified as "In"

The above will be explained in detail below

The "Ask For Selections" button indicates to the raid that you're accepting selections and initiates the popups and raid warnings. Once you have pressed this button a "Cancel" button appears next to this. If for whatever reason you wish to stop the selection choices early, you may do so here. You can not ask for selections if a current request is active.

The "Reset Selections" button removes all of the selections indicated by the groups management below.

The "Announce Groups Set" button alerts all raiders the selections are final and to enter or leave the instance as required. This is alerted via Raid Warning and a popup for those with the addon installed.

Group Management

In this interface you can manage your raid. Use the legend in the lower right corner to help you identify what the displays mean.

Much like the standard raid UI, each member in your raid will show up in their respective groups and in correct group order. The background changes depending on member selection, offline status and group number. Upon hovering over a raid member, you can see their:

  • Guild name
  • Guild rank
  • Reason for selecting out (more below)
  • Talent specialisations along with the currently selected spec, and
  • VitaPlanner Client Version

If you use EPGP with guild member note tracking, this will display the raid members PR should you require this information. If a raid member doesn't have the addon installed, some of the functionality with talent specialisations will not work.

Once you have asked the raid for selections, member background will light up depending on which choice they picked, and which group number they are in.


Currently, this addon is limited to three selections:

  1. In
  2. Out
  3. Neutral

You may change the text displayed on this buttons through the leader options. This text change will only occur if you are the person initiating the selection request.

Upon selecting In or Neutral, the popup will close and your selection is sent to the planner. If you select Out, you will be asked to type a reason. You may cancel out of this popup or send in a reason. Upon pressing this "Send" button you will be marked as "Out" in the leader interface and your reason will be displayed in the tooltip.

If you neglect to submit a selection before the timer ends, your preference will not be submitted, and the popup will disappear.


For example, you have 35 raiders in your raid and you are doing Normal or Heroic content. Person A in Group 1 wishes to be sat or "out". This person will have a 'red' background (or "incorrect" placement) until that person is moved into Group 7 or Group 8 where the background will turn 'green' (or "correct" placement). Person B in Group 6 wishes to stay in, their background will be 'green' and already in the correct placement. Person C in Group 7 has chosen "neutral", their background will be yellow. They have indicated that they would like to be in if possible, but don't mind being sat for others.

Throughout all of this, it is at the planners discretion if they want people to be out or in irrespective of the individuals choice.

Once everything is set, press the "Announce Groups Set" button. The following will happen to the 3 people indicated above: Person A will get a popup with "You are out" assuming they are in Groups 7 or 8. Person B will get a popup with "You are in" assuming they are still in Groups 1 to 6. Person C will get either popup depending on your choice of group location.