VCD is an addon that allows you to trace spellcasting and availability. This addon is significant because these warnings are not written but are heard. The raidleader can know when a skill is again available and if casted when requested without having to look away from the screen. The addon monitors the entire band at once and to avoid a storm of noise in your speakers, played without overlapping 3 warnings while ignoring the following. These three sounds will always be those with highest priority
Download VoiceCoolDown_enUS to hear the english voices
- Now you can select the voice in another lenguage. (I have saved the american english voices in VoiceCoolDown_enUS addon). Use this as example to do your own voices set.
- Addon has enUS locale and it is the default locale.
- If active (General config) run in combat
- It is active out of combat if you right click in minimap icon.
- Left click active depuration mode (a lot of messages in chatframe)
- Middle click open configuration window
- You can play your own spell voices saving in
interface\voicecooldown\Voces (spell voices = spellid.mp3) - You can play your own player voices saving in
interface\voicecooldown\jugadores (player voices = playername.mp3 or playername-realm.mp3 if the player isnĀ“t from you realm). - Yoy can active in general config the class voice for announce players
- You can define the number of spells to queue in general config
- You can configure to alert each spell when cast or when available. For both you can choose your priority
- Filter to spells: Who cast or receive the spell: All, Heals, Tanks, DPS.
- Filter to spells: Filter by direction: Source of spell or Dest of spell
- Filter to spells: Announce target. The addon say the name of player who receive the spell instead of the source of spell
VCD es un addon que te permite tracear el lanzamiento de hechizos y su disponibilidad. Este addon se distingue porque estos avisos no se escriben sino que se escuchan. El raidleader puede saber cuando una habilidad esta de nuevo disponible y si es casteada cuando lo ha pedido sin tener que mirar a otro lado de la pantalla. El addon monitoriza toda la banda a la vez y para evitar una tormenta de ruido en tus altavoces, reproduce sin superponer 3 avisos mientras que ignora los siguientes. Estos tres sonidos son elegidos de entre los que mas prioridad hayas definido