VoiceCoolDown 10

VoiceCoolDown 10


Addon in Beta State, I recommend that you delete the savedvariables from voicecooldown addon when you install a new version. Only while in beta

PleaseIf you detect a error, create a ticket in the project and I will solve it as soon as possible.


  • Add rest of voices of DS (First of DS)
  • Export/import profiles (Planned)
  • Filter to search for spell by name, with searches by full or partial name, regardless of the position of the search string within the name of the spell (DONE)
  • Add option to play role instead of class or player name. (DONE)
  • Group by class or type spell (DONE)
  • Save and erase your own spells. (DONE)
  • Control over the duration of voice of spell.(DONE)
  • Test the voices directly from the spell settings. (DONE)

This addon will be in beta until release of DS. Voice CoolDown is an addon that allows you to trace spellcasting and availability. This addon is significant because these warnings are not written but are heard. The player can know when a skill is again available and if casted when requested without having to look away from the screen. The addon monitors the entire band at once and to avoid a storm of noise in your speakers, played without overlapping N warnings (1 <= N <= 10) while ignoring the following. These N voices will always be those with highest priority. Some examples of what it does:

  • You can trace your spell alone or others or everyone.
  • You can configure to alert each spell when cast or when available. For both you can choose your priority
  • You can add/delete your own spells (Dont forgett add the voice of spell, See at the end of this description how to)
  • Filter to spells: Who cast or receive the spell: All, Heals, Tanks, DPS, "You", "Not you".
  • Filter to spells: Filter by direction: Source of spell or Dest of spell, or both
  • Filter to spells: Announce target. The addon say the name of player who receive the spell instead of the source of spell
  • Filter to spells: Allow only the CDs of my cast spells to play
  • Filter to spells: The addon let you clasify the spell into several types and let you to play the soun of type instead of the voice of spell,
  • You can play your own spell voices saving in interface\voicecooldown\Voces (spell voices = spellid.mp3)
  • You can play your own player voices saving in interface\voicecooldown\jugadores (player voices = playername.mp3 or playername-realm.mp3 if the player isn´t from you realm).
  • Yoy can active in general config the class voice for announce players
  • You can define the number of spells to queue in general config.

Mode of use

  • If active (General config) run in combat
  • Click mouse rightbutton in minimap icon to enter in trial mode. In this mode, the addon only plays voices when the source is the player himself or someone else in his party
  • Click mouse leftbutton to open configuratión window
  • Click mouse middlebutton to active depuration mode (a lot of messages in chatframe to help me found errors and fix) .
Saved voices
I have added the voices of all the spells with at least 2 minutes of cd. T
he voices sound in spanish, but, If you want to have the voices in your own language, You can generate the mp3 files on any free TTS page and save them in the voices subdirectory, each one with the ID of the spell (like the name of the file)

I have not saved any voices for covenants and i have not the spells for the new class of DS until DS will be release.