Voodoo Casting Bar

Voodoo Casting Bar


Voodoo Casting Bar (VCB) is an add on that enchants the default casting bar.

Right now, VCB adds:

  • The spell icon on the left or on the right or both sides of the player casting bar!
  • The Current Casting Time of the spell, alone. You can also choose if the timer will be ascending or descending. You can also choose if the word "sec" will be visible or not!
  • The Total Casting Time of the spell, alone. You can also choose if the word "sec" will be visible or not!
  • The Current Casting Time and the Total Casting Time together, like 3.45/10.15. You can also choose if the timer will be ascending or descending. You can also choose if the world "sec" will be visible!
  • The Name of the Spell becomes movable!
  • The Latency of the casting spell with a red bar and number!
  • All those features are movable, and you can choose which will be visible!
  • The Target’s Casting Bar becomes movable and scalable!
  • The Focus' Casting Bar becomes movable and scalable!
  • Works with Shadow Unit Frame a.k.a SUF! (hopefully) Please read the instructions in the options!
  • You can create a profile so you can copy - paste your settings between your characters!

VCB in action!

See the images and changes log for more information!

 Any feedback, bugs, ideas, or anything else for the Add-On is welcome! You can post them here as a comment!

Thank you in advance!

May the Good Mojo be with you!