


WarCard - in-game WarcraftLogs data

Addon provides rankings data from www.WarcraftLogs.com website ingame!

Pay attention, please!

For now addon provides rankings only for EU region and percent calculations in addon are also made per-region, so they may will differ from www.WarcraftLogs.com data, so they show percent in region, but not in the Whole World. See "Updates and futher development" section for details...

Project is discontinued...

... hope, that only for some time. Due to some problems with www.WarcraftLogs.com API, that can not be solved from my side, retrieving rankings information is no more possible. If developer of WarcraftLogs will solve the problems, project database will continue to update and addon developing will continue. Sorry for inconvenience :(

How to use it?

Rather simple! You can access rankings in one of 3 ways...

target anybody and type command in chat: /wc


press card button in premade groups window to view applicant's card


use command "/wc Nickname-Realm" (without quotes), where "Nickname" is desired nickname, and "Realm" - realm; if realm is omitted, then your realm will be used by default

Demo video

Almost the same as above gifs...

Updates and futher development

Addon database will be updated once per 3-4 days - use curse client for now.

New features, bugfixes, improvements, etc. will depend on addon popularity... Want new feature? Ask friend to download addon ^_^

Auto update utility and other features and improvements are some goals on patreon.