


With permission of the author, this is a TBC version of Wardrobe for Classic. I plan on maintaining this only for TBCC going forward.

Usage description from original addon:

Wardrobe attempts to replicate the equipment manager for Classic, the interface is similar and can be accessed via your character window.

New Set - Click New Set and provide a name in the dialog box, this set will then be the selected set but will not contain any items yet.

Save - Click Save Set to save your currently equipped items to the currently selected set.

Delete - This will delete the currently selected set (a confirmation dialog will be added soon)

Equip - This will equip the currently selected set.

To select a set use the drop-down menu, you can then manage the set.

Slash command

To use the slash command first create a new macro and enter the text '/wardrobe equipset-' followed by the name of your set (case sensitive). For example in 1 of the images I have a set called Healing so I've used the slash command /wardrobe equipset-Healing. Using a macro like this enables you to add the set to an action bar.