Waritko Cash Flow Monitor


A simple tracker addon which monitors your contributions to the guild bank thru the Cash Flow perk and shares this value with other guild members. Also remembers your guild history and contributions to your previous guilds. The monitored stats are:

  • Total gold contributed to guild bank
  • Gold looted during session
  • Gold contributed to guild bank during session

The amount contributed is shown when entering world (optional) and when left-clicked the minimap button. Right clicking the minimap button now toggles the display of main frame.

Also, there is option for sharing loot form all your alts as if it was your main character and it is highly recommended to do so. When you log in to the guild for first time, addon will ask you for the name of your main character and will continue to do so until you provides the name of main character.

Also, there is a few slash commands:

  • /wcfm help - displays short help
  • /wcfm msg toggle - toggles displaying message about contributed gold when changing world zones, for example entering dungeon
  • /wcfm request - requests current value fron online guildmembers who have this addon
  • /wcfm frame toggle - toggles displaying the main frame with gold values
  • /wcfm frame show - shows displaying the main frame with gold values
  • /wcfm frame hide - hides displaying the main frame with gold values
  • /wcfm minimap toggle - toggles displaying the minimap button
  • /wcfm minimap show - shows the minimap button
  • /wcfm minimap hide - hides the minimap button
  • /wcfm main - displays dialog for setting main character for your current guild

Instead of /wcfm you can also use /waritkocashflowmonitor

If you have any problems or ideas how to improve this addon, please write them down either as comment or send them directly to me.