Warrior Tanking Tools

Warrior Tanking Tools


Warrior Tanking Tools (WTT) allows a warrior tank to get quick visual feedback of important abilities and survival skills.

WTT has only been tested with level 85 and above characters and is intended for beginners and intermediate players struggling with their UI or those having a harder time knowing which skills are important and which are not.

New in version 1.1 is a second action bar as well as a Watched Unit frame. The second action bar allows for almost all of the important warrior abilities to be displayed so that players will require a minimal number of additional buttons to be setup.

The Watched Unit feature will let player choose a party or raid member to keep a watch on and will display their health, power and threat level. By clicking on the Watched Frame using the left, right and middle mouse buttons, the warrior tank can easily select, Intervene or put Vigilance on the watched unit.

Please note that the watched unit frame is completely independent of the build-in focus frame and will not interfere with it in any ways.

Most of the addon code was reworked in version 1.1 to allow the action bars to change based on the talents selected. In order for the action bars to reflect changes in abilities, the UI still needs to be reloaded. Future versions will dynamically change as new abilities become available or talents are changed.

The health bar displays your health as well as the physical and magical damage sustained, allowing you to decide between blocking physical or magical damage; an important decision in most encounters.

The action buttons have three different uses. First, they allow you to click on them to trigger the spell. Second, they show you the cooldown of your abilities. Finally, abilities will be highlighted based on their importance in your rotation or their readiness in case of active mitigation or healing spells.

Some abilities become highlighted while you fight. These are important tanking or survival skills and should be giving priority over other abilities. Some abilities will be suggested based on how much rage you currently have available, the damage you are sustaining or the amount of health remaining.

The minimap icon allows you to move the bars around and turn on or off the latency and FPS boxes.

After additional testing, key bindings was removed as it would overwrite your current toolbar bindings and require you to reset them in the event you switch specs or decide to uninstall this addon. We hope to include this feature again in the future.

A BIG thank you to those people that donated. Even the smallest donation helps and is greatly appreciated! Please comment if you find this addon useful (or not) and let us know what you would like fixed, changed or added!