


1. Players can query the scores of Warcraftlogs in the game.The function is on the character tips, /who name, right click on the avatar. Wcl score will be displayed, and the color is your score color.

2. Data capture is based on the All-Star score ranking of WCL website:https://www.warcraftlogs.com. It is tentatively updated once a week.

3. The data capture object is the full amount of national service data, with about 27000 player data, it is only support CN region now.

4. Tanks and Dpser are ranked by the All-Star score of damage, and the heals is ranked by the All-Star score of treatment.

5. No options and little memory usage that one server occupies less than 1MB.

6. The plug-in ontology is still the original author of version 60. This update only makes a small amount of display optimization.