We Don't Wipe

We Don't Wipe



A fully featured and configurable DPS maximiser. Displays a sequence of tiles/buttons, representing the order in which you should use your abilities so that maximum DPS may be achieved.

How to Use

Instal like any other AddOn.

How to Configure

The configuration panel is accessed via the game menu or the /wdw chat command. A few options can be toggled via chat - /wdw ? lists these.


  • Automatic resource (Eg: mana, runes, power, etc) management
  • Various talent combinations and player levels
  • Optional cooldown inclusion
  • Wholly configurable screen placement, size, etc including unique sticky and snapable placement!
  • No third party libraries, expensive combat log parsing - it's lean!
  • Lag / reaction time compensation
  • Rotations may be swapped / deactivated while in combat
  • Priority queue length can be set from 1 to 10

Supported Classes / Specialisations

Frost Death Knight. Others TBD.

How To Get Started

  • You’ll be asked to select a rotation, if there is more than one available
  • Now is a good time to adjust the tile size via /wdw
  • Then position the tiles. Start with tile “1” and drag it. Now tile “2” and so on. Note the chain dragging mechanism and the convenient snapping together of tiles at mid points, corners and sides
  • You’ll position ten tiles but you may select a lesser number to be shown in combat

Rotation Notes

  • Try practising on a target dummy
  • Please note that WDW needs to occasionally fill in gaps in your rotation. Thus an ability may from time to time seem out of order. If WDW couldn’t decide or had no available choices then a default “Up to You” icon will be displayed.
  • WDW relies upon the player to not miss parts of the rotation. WDW doesn’t check the combat log to checkup on you but it does monitor all player buffs and mob debuffs.
  • Note that WDW anticipates your resource regeneration and usage. The aim is always to keep that damage flowing!