yy We Don't Wipe - Arcane Mage

yy We Don't Wipe - Arcane Mage


A DPS maximiser module for the We Don't Wipe AddOn.

How to Use
You will need the latest We Don't Wipe. After any AddOn instal or update always quit WoW completely. Relaunch WoW. Enjoy. See We Don't Wipe for any further information.

Other Available Modules

  • Windwalker Monks Updated for Legion!
  • Frost Deathknights 2H
  • Frost Deathknights DW
  • Fire Mages Updated for Legion!
  • Frost Mages
  • Enhancement Shaman
  • Elemental Shaman

With more to come!


Arcane Mages have three 'Phases', executed in a cycle: Burn -> Replenish -> Conserve mana.

Some parts of the Burn and Conserve Phase are shared as "Common", below.

  • Buff
  • Arcane or Dalaran Brilliance
  • Burn
  • Rune of Power New!
  • Arcane Power
  • Prismatic Crystal
  • 2xSupernova
  • Common (below)
  • Arcane Blast spam
  • Replenish
  • Arcane Missiles if AM will expire before Evo completed
  • Evocate
  • Conserve
  • Rune of Power New!
  • 1 or 2 Supernova if mana < 94% and < 3xAM and sure to have 2xSN for AP
  • Common
  • Arcane Blast if mana > 93%
  • Arcane Missiles if 4xAC and AM>0
  • Arcane Barrage if 4xAC
  • Arcane Blast filler
  • Common
  • Nether Tempest if 4xAC and buff expires < 3.6s
  • Arcane Orb if AC < 2
  • Presence of Mind (to buy milliseconds for Orb to hit)
  • Mirror Images
  • Arcane Missiles if 3xAM or expiring

General Rotation Notes
The module does not assume you have chosen a "cookie cutter" talent build. No AddOn can function as a DPS maximiser for AoE fights, due to limitations in the programming API. Single target is assumed.

The default list of cool downs is merely a sample. Customise via the Cooldowns Panel, /wdw coo. You also go to here to list any rotation/queue exclusions.

Notes Specific to the Arcane Mage Module
BURN commences when the Evo cooldown is below a threshold. The aim is to be down to 50% mana at exactly the time that Evo comes of CD.
Yup, impossible to predict so the module "learns" as it goes, starting at a low 15s. REPLENISH commences at 50% mana. Evo will be in queue position #1. Do it! CONSERVE occurs when Evo is on CD.

* Brilliance Buff *
Dalaran Brilliance / Arcane Brilliance will be suggested if your DB, AB, Legacy of the White Tiger or Dark Intent are about to expire or not present. Other raid buffs might be preferred. Just place your DB and AB in the "Exclude" list via the Cooldowns Panel, /wdw coo.

Modifiable Parameters New!
From the chat line, the following modifiable parameters can be adjusted by you. The values are saved between sessions.

/wdw amp burntimer=nn
'nn' is the time in seconds before Evocate comes off cooldown and is the ideal time to commence your burn phase. The default is 15 (seconds).

/wdw amp minmana=nn
'nn' is the ratio of current mana to maximum mana for which Evocate should be triggered. The default is 0.5 (i.e. 50%). Setting this too low will result in a never ending burn phase. Most players settle for 0.4 to 0.6.

/wdw amp train=x
Your Arcane Mage module can automatically learn the amount of time it takes for you to burn your mana down from 100% to 50%. Setting train=y will cause your 'burntimer' parameter to be adjusted automatically. A value of 'n' turns the training off.

New! The timer will be aggressively adjusted if your most recent burn phase ended too soon, and more so if this was before your Evocation was off CD. Conversely, the timer will be increasingly conservatively adjusted the more you exceeded the current time estimate.

/wdw amp
Shows the syntax. '/wdw amp list' will list all modifiable parameters and their current values.

How to Report Bugs & Suggest Improvements
Go to Tickets to report bugs. Line numbers from bug catching AddOns are useful. Lists of AddOns are of no use. The forum on this page is for suggestions and discussion.

Updates & Favourites
Why not make We Don't Wipe a Favourite and/or use the Curse Installer?

Fun Stuff™ New!
At any time you may raise your arms high and command Storm, Earth and Fire. You indeed have the power of Go'el in your hands! Heed My Call™ with '/wdw sef' or '/wdw poth' in chat. Or say hello to yourself with '/wdw sal'. Enjoy!

Cookies, Beer & Donations
It is all about the cookies & beer although, and don't let Gallywix know about this, a "thank you" in the comments section fuels my programming appetite and is very much appreciated. And then, you could cut straight to Donate to lend your support! because as Gallywix would say... "time is money, friend".

Included in the Icy Veins Arcane Mage Guide!
Special thanks to Damien, curator of the Icy Veins Arcane Mage Guide, for including this module on the DPS Macros and Addons page.