yy We Don't Wipe - Elemental Shaman

yy We Don't Wipe - Elemental Shaman


A DPS maximiser. Displays a sequence of icons from left to right, representing the order in which you should use your abilities so that maximum DPS may be achieved. You 'plug in' modules for your class/specialisation into a single AddOn, ensuring a consistent and familiar interface across the range of your characters.

This file is a module for the We Don't Wipe AddOn. Included with this download is the very simple procedure for adding this module to We Don't Wipe. No file editing for v3.01 of WDW!!!

See We Don't Wipe to download and for full information.

Other Available Modules

  • Windwalker Monks
  • Frost Deathknights 2H
  • Frost Deathknights DW
  • Arcane Mages
  • Fire Mages
  • Frost Mages
  • Enhancement Shamans

With more to come.


  • Main Hand must be buffed
  • Lightning Shield must be On
  • If necessary, use Tremor Totem now!
  • Unleash Elements (strict condition. See notes below)
  • Flame Shock
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Ascendance
  • Lave Burst
  • Elemental Blast if that Talent chosen
  • Earth Shock
  • Fire Totem - FE or ST as appropriate for situation/talents
  • Stormlash if Blood Lust type buff up
  • Earth Elemental if Blood Lust type buff up and no TT
  • Ancestral Swiftness (should be macroed)
  • Lightning Bolt spam / filler

General Rotation Notes
Sometimes, if you are unable to follow the rotation closely, certain abilities will just not be suggested in the queue. This is probably because preconditions to establish optimal use of the ability were not met.

(It is possible to exclude abilities from a rotation, and yet still display their CD/availability.)

Notes Specific to the Elemental Shaman Module
The included rotation, whilst called 'Levelling', is actually suitable for boss fights, and is unashamedly focused on single targets. You will note that it doesn't panic into using up Lightning Shield charges if there is something more important at the time.

It will also allow your Fire Totem to be delayed with refresh if there are higher priorities at the time. Your Fire Elemental, with or without the Prime Elementalist talent, is a major DPS source. Even if Glyphed, I still consider it a 'major' cool down and so it is only ever suggested over your Searing Totem if a Bloodlust type buff is up. Consider the ST icon as 'up to you'.

Unlike with some other class/specs it is possible to show a mostly smooth rotation from right to left with 'sudden' appearances of abilities at the first icon position minimal. This allows players to reliably precast but is really due to a low reliance on fight RNG for Elemental Shammies.

While Lava Burst is our big number ability, it is made more so by having Flame Shock on the target, thus FS is actually a higher priority.

* Unleash Elements *
Even with Unleashed Fury chosen as a Tier 6 talent, the Unleash Elements ability does not justify the wasted GCD to use EXCEPT in a very specific circumstance. Namely: Flame Shock needs a refresh soon AND UE and LB are off Cooldown AND LB is not instant AND there is space in the rotation such that after the UE, a LB followed by a FS can all be cast within 8 seconds. In this situation, the LB and FS hit at the same time so that BOTH enjoy the damage boost of Unleash Flame from the UE.

This is an advanced technique which in testing also boosts poorly geared players / levellers on tough mobs.

I encourage others to suggest their own ideas, perhaps even upload your own module if you have some LUA skills. I am happy to assist.