- 2
Classic: Load option for specific encounters using ENCOUNTER_START and ENCOUNTER_END
#2044 opened by EmElw - 0
Actions - On Hide - Chat Messages, don't process text replacements.
#2047 opened by asaka-wa - 1
Duration Timer
#2046 opened by whyttedragun - 0
Join a group after buff does not appear to automatically anchor to the unit frame
#2051 opened by Sanluli36li - 10
auraData.stacks is nil
#2049 opened by saenic - 0
[Sentence] WeakAuras to 2.4.3
#2050 opened by gamer4eg - 0
#2052 opened by Nightwarden24 - 1
Unclear behavior or bug in the Arc length option
#2053 opened by Nightwarden24 - 1
Latest Update force loading Classic Weakaura 2
#2054 opened by minkeemomo - 0
Don't split strings intended for localization
#2055 opened by Nightwarden24 - 8
Swapping Gear does not trigger an update for Item Set Equipped
#2056 opened by Medry - 12
WeakAuras2 not loading or working with most recent build (2.16.6-54)
#2061 opened by KCCatisthebest - 3
Alpha release this morning
#2063 opened by didallwrong - 30
WeakAuras-2.16.6 not loading
#2064 opened by D0nk3y - 1
Weakauras is gone!
#2065 opened by helloE9 - 1
Error "regionType not defined"
#2066 opened by Ghalleonn - 1
Better Preview and Preview Options
#2068 opened by 1ps3 - 1
Event timers Ragnaros/Vaelstrazs
#2069 opened by Rowny12 - 1
Support for (de)buff augmented by existing buffs.
#2059 opened by celdorwow - 4
Remaining Time Trigger not working
#2071 opened by Sigma88 - 1
weak aura command error
#2072 opened by randomuserx123 - 4
WA Text Cloning Bug
#2073 opened by Zero42 - 2
Models not appearing when I relog or /reload
#2075 opened by Daugen - 5
WA classic not showing cooldown properly
#2078 opened by sterob - 1
Twitch installing the latest CLASSIC WA in RETAIL
#2074 opened by Rubyurek - 2
Dynamic Size for regions anchored to Unitframes/Nameplates
#2083 opened by Nercus - 1
LUA error while in M+
#2079 opened by Moowalker - 1
Tiny issues in UI
#2081 opened by Nightwarden24 - 2
Weakauras2 update and now its classic edition??
#2084 opened by MadRav3n - 0
Error in Custom Variables FRAME_UPDATE variable breaks WA Options
#2088 opened by nullKomplex - 11
Fix sharing via chat link for some players on CN servers
#2090 opened by nebularg - 6
Texture Strat Incorrect Upon Reload
#2091 opened by arabinowe - 0
#2092 opened by Heiwaustin - 1
Classic - Can't load weak auras
#2095 opened by TripodMedic - 5
LibCustomGlow error spam when friendly nameplates are enabled
#2096 opened by Baconsaber - 1
Default Form trigger generates LUA error
#2094 opened by Alluneve - 0
Trigger "Pet Behaviour = Defensive" doesn't work
#2098 opened by ZaneBusby - 0
the Text AuraType doesn't have access to Shadow settings
#2100 opened by asaka-wa - 1
Version pub to twitch for retail is 2.16.6-classic
#2103 opened by cam3ron2 - 2
Load condition: Instance type for Zul'Gurub
#2104 opened by xCharg - 15
Z-Order keeps changing on aura update
#2105 opened by tetsuomiyaki - 6
General Error since 2.17.0
#2106 opened by Fr4mby - 22
Status WA not working since update
#2107 opened by Scabbrox - 1
[classic] Following error in 2.17. Happens intermittently.
#2102 opened by pmb123 - 1
Not a bug in Weak Auras but in Twitch
#2113 opened by auddie2015 - 2
Weak auras not working at all
#2114 opened by Clockzeone - 1
Apparently weakauras is not functioning properly as before.
#2115 opened by hugo400 - 1
WA Options Frame breaks down (see #2106)
#2108 opened by Nikio87 - 3
WA Put raid icon on myself when I make a group
#2110 opened by tonayen - 2
Regular texture with health trigger can't select relative animation duration in 2.17.0
#2111 opened by Dracolince