- 1
"Insufficient Resources = true" condition doesn't trigger for Heart Strike
#3665 opened by taukuno - 8
update aura does not work
#3666 opened by WoWretweet - 1
Lootinfo for caged pets
#3639 opened by x9cf9w73cv7y - 3
TBC 4.0.0 arithmetic on 'modRate', a nil value
#3641 opened by Blumberg1337 - 6
Aura Visibility State
#3643 opened by Kiofea - 8
Nested groups causes WA config to fail
#3645 opened by mway - 3
Secure Clone/Protected Frame Warning Opt-Out
#3646 opened by mrbuurns - 1
#3647 opened by miraclejm - 4
i can not use /wa to open wa template
#3648 opened by miraclejm - 2
Updated, changed every load setting
#3649 opened by Boterwafel - 3
Weak auras option to only load when have Leader role
#3652 opened by Believe82 - 2
Debuff track
#3653 opened by Exidt - 3
Item Type Equipped trigger for offhand
#3654 opened by Dsune0 - 1
Simulate a specific situation to check what weak auras are loaded
#3656 opened by psyquest - 0
Glow properties are not correctly carried over after the recent fix to glow sub-elements on nameplate auras
#3657 opened by HPLT - 1
Not have 「new」button
#3659 opened by Feiya1126 - 2
Miscellaneous 3 (Small UI issues)
#3662 opened by Nightwarden24 - 2
Lost All Wekauras
#3663 opened by s21344 - 5
'Since Apply' condition does not work for auras missing/always show state
#3664 opened by wing5wong - 1
Major stuttering
#3680 opened by Luthaniel - 0
Prompt Before Entry Deletion for Array Option Groups
#3667 opened by AdamHayse - 1
how to resolve the error
#3668 opened by stefanielyq - 0
Feign Death does not properly reset melee and ranged weapon swing timers
#3669 opened by mellinoe - 0
Threat Situation - Nameplate: ghost clones
#3670 opened by ReubinAuthor - 0
Make "Hide Timer Text" modifiable in Conditions
#3671 opened by Tharre - 2
Texts in Display being updated even if they are not shown.
#3682 opened by Krytos - 1
avoid loading WA in certain zones
#3683 opened by ANaPhOrAX - 0
Allow Set Parent to Anchor option to be used with a Dynamic Group's Group By Frame
#3672 opened by raethkcj - 1
Weak auras and Elv ui error
#3673 opened by marttinez125 - 3
Weak Auras weird interaction with Masque
#3674 opened by filologiggy - 0
Classic Weakauras raid role
#3675 opened by Zolath - 4
Parallel Ephemeral Weapon Enchants (oils etc) with Chest Reinforcement (Heavy Desolate Armor Kit) Under Items
#3685 opened by mltco78dhs - 2
cooldown trigger not noticing when cd are reset such as arena
#3686 opened by oldspices - 5
Advanced Caster's Target Check wrong target
#3687 opened by Tems91 - 3
Lua Error when viewing Custom Options of group with multiple (identical?) Array-type Option Groups
#3688 opened by Hekili - 2
Add Spell Action Overlay textures from retail into Weakauras for Classic
#3691 opened by caccavale - 3
All of my weak auras are gone
#3702 opened by richard12511 - 3
GCD trigger inaccurate
#3692 opened by Dsune0 - 1
Can't use quick advertisement report feature in LFG due to WeakAuras
#3693 opened by toffi23 - 3
Getting the lua error "Script ran too long" in arena fights
#3694 opened by SweepyBoop - 4
Weakauras TBC Classic Nameplate Aura Glow Bug
#3695 opened by Moki182 - 0
BCC 4.0.2 Aura trigger UI quirk
#3696 opened by mrbuds - 1
Add Paragon Reputation to Reputation Trigger
#3698 opened by Nokramx - 0
WeakAuras\RegionTypes\DynamicGroup.lua:1088: <unnamed>:SetParent(): Couldn't find region named ''
#3718 opened by Sakatard - 0
Data provider
#3708 opened by Dradux-dev - 5
[aura - multitarget] trigger overwriting GUID
#3711 opened by asaka-wa - 2
Error 5666
#3713 opened by GraythornGaming - 3
#3714 opened by n0t49a1n - 4
Alot of models don't loop anymore
#3717 opened by Bowny1 - 0
cannot open Model Viewer in latest WeakAuras version for Woltk Beta
#3716 opened by Bowny1