WebDKP is an addon that allows guild leaders to easily manage the DKP for their guild. It works with a companion website [http://www.webdkp.com] where guild leaders can upload and display their guilds DKP for free. As of version 3.1 you can track raid attendance. Check the screen shots for a visual on raid attendance tracking.

The system was made to be easy to work with. In game guild leaders have access to their DKP and can easily record awards and view changes. Then, with a press of a button all this information from the addon is put online for all your guild members to see. You can then update or tweak the information via the website and view your changes back in game.

General Description of WebDKP:
WebDKP is an in game addon that allows you to award and keep track of Dragon Kill Points (DKP). Currently WebDKP supports several different styles of DKP awarding systems. WebDKP only requires one person to keep track of DKP.

Update 3/01/2014:
Please report any LUA errors or issues. There obviously haven't been any updates in quite some time but the latest release 3.10.62 should have any issues in the comments fixed. If there's anything else not working please post here or at webdkp.com so I can address them. I temporarily activated my WoW account to address whatever I can. - Z Update - 3.10.63. It appears paulmcl may have accidentally saved the timedawards.lua file as a wordpad file instead of plain text. I believe this is why auto awards for boss kills hasn't been working. I resaved but haven't tested. Please let me know if this new version fixes it. (It probably isn't updated for latest bosses)

For more information on the addon check out www.webdkp.com