



Hello everyone,

I'm sorry to be the one to bring this news to you, but weiz was in a pretty rough car accident a couple weeks ago. He is in high spirits but will remain in the hospital for a few more weeks. He also has a lot of physical therapy ahead of him once he's out, so returning to this project may not be possible for some time. His primary hand had been badly injured and will require sometime for time to be able to use the computer as he once did.

We're hoping everything works out and he wanted to thank you all for enjoying his project over the last few years. He may or may not come back to it at some point as his hands may take some time to get back to working like they did before, but if he does he will let you know!

I wanted to let others know who knew him in-game, but due to the 2-step authorization hassles, this was the easier to work with as his phone was destroyed in the crash. Please let others know in-game or anywhere else if they knew him! I know he would appreciate it very much!

-brother of weiz

Creative Commons License


🐞 Please report issues to: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/weizpvp/issues

OVERVIEW (Last updated for v1.9.9 - FEB 2022)

weizPVP is an addon dedicated to one thing: World PVP.

The core features include:

  • Expansive player detection
  • Health and death updates
  • Dead player display icons and sorting
  • Stealth Alerts
  • Role detection
  • Level estimation
  • Crosshairs
  • Kill On Sight list
  • Self-maintaining, Self-optimizing player database

Many other features are included such as intelligent player sorting, phase detection, on-flight-path detection, player connection status and distance estimation. Another goal of weizPVP is to be efficient as possible by constantly making improvements to reduce memory and CPU usage (world pvp can be laggy enough). Whether you're solo doing a world quest or raiding an enemy city, weizPVP is there to keep you current on the enemy situation so you can make informed decisions, using accurate data, displayed on a easy to use interface.


🖥️ Main Window

  • A list of recently detected enemy players includes:
    • Name
    • Level
    • Role
    • Guild
    • Class
    • Realm ( '*' displayed for players not from your realm)
    • Health Updates
    • Dead player indicator and sorting
    • Clickable player bars that target the player.
    • Scrollable player list.
    • Nearby count of the number of players
    • Move, minimize, restore, and resize the window
    • Pin or lock the window in place.
    • Status Bar with a growing list of notifications from player and addon events.

🗺️ Minimap Icon and Data Broker support

  • Minimap icon or data broker displays show the nearby count
  • One Click to hide/show the main window or toggle the interface options

👁️ Stealth Detection

  • Pop up notifications showing the player and what ability, or item was used.
  • Sound notifications
  • Status Bar messages

🎯 Crosshairs

  • Color change based on class.
  • Net-o-Matic icon appears when usable
  • Display the target's name and guild
  • Adjustable opacity/alpha, scale, and line thickness

💀 Kill on Sight

  • Add/Remove players from the list or unit frames
  • Indicator on player bars
  • When Crosshairs are enabled, shows a special indicator for KOS players
  • Priority sorting on player list
  • Custom sound alert
  • Chat output alert-