


Is a lightweight Minimap, with a sleek look & custom imagery.


Over the years various addons that are similar seem to fit the bill,
but there is always room for one more, and always room for improvement.f


Features include

! Square or Round minimap and 4 types of Images "see photos"
! Custom zone text.
! Clock change colour if you have pending calendar invites.
! Shows day, date and month.
! Zooming with mouse wheel & Auto zoom-out,
! Left Mouse Button to ping the minimap. (with Guild wars style who pinged)
! Middle Mouse Button to open calander.
! Right Mouse Button to show tracking dropdown menu.
! Saves placement of minimap, "see commands to move."
! Hides all default minimap buttons.
! Coordinates - To move hold Alt & Left mouse.

And more!!

Moved Battleground icon,Raid difficulty icon,Looking for group icon.
to look a bit better.

Custom commands
! /wmp for Command information
! /wmp mouse for mouse button assignments
! /wmp reset to set "frames", to default position.
! /wmp unlock to move the "frames".
! /wmp lock to lock the "frames", from moving.
! /wmp rl to reload the ui

"frames" - Minimap,Ticket,Durability,Quest,Vehicle Frame.



TO move and do things

Please read the READ ME inside the addon folder.


"" Please note if you use "MBB" addon you will need to
edit "MBB.lua" and under "MBB_Ignore" add at the bottom

    [29] = "MiniMapLFGFrame",
    [30] = "MinimapZoneTextButton",

this due to "MBB" Will hide the LFG and Zone info. ""


please leave your feedback!

thanks to Blooblahguy, Quokka, xonefobic, Goldpaw, Dawn, Ferous, Zimran, Vrul
and everyone that has helped me with this over the months.,