


Worgenstein is a first person shooter mini game running as a WoW addon.

It is using a ray casting engine similar to Wolfenstein and many other shooters of the era.

All of the code was written from scratch, and the graphical assets are loaded directly from WoW.

The current status of the project is a "tech demo", a presentation of the engine, with actual levels/gameplay to be added soon.

Important: If the addon breaks, use /reload, it's in early alpha stage so it will likely have a metric ton of bugs.

Warning 1 : Only part of the map has been added logic to, so the addon will lock out if it tries to render a tile that is missing so a /reload is necessary

Warning 2 : since the addon is in early alpha stage, it takes control of the following Keys : A,D,W,S,Q,E,Z,F

To get control back of those keys disable the addon.

A way to change these keys, and focus/unfocus the addon window will be added in the future.


- A = Turn left

- D= Turn right

- W = Move forward in current direction

- S = Move backward opposite of current direction

- Q = Strafe left

- E = Strafe right

- Z = Interact

- F = Shoot