World Buff Tracker

World Buff Tracker



Tracks the cooldown on Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, Warchief's Blessing and your Dark Fortune (DMF).

At the moment it is currently doing so through your guild. If a guild member recieves one of these buffs the time is logged and synced with the guild.

Once layering is gone I'll look into a method of syncing these through a public chat, though I will need to develop some trust system due to the incentive to grief this.


'/worldbuffs', '/wbt', '/worldbufftracker '

Prints out the cooldowns.

'/wbt announce'
Toggles the guild announcement pre buff.

 '/wbt version'

Toggles the version control.


I've added a lot of localization options for the addon to be translated. If you wish to contribute please have a look inside localization.lua and contact me if you want to contribute your translations.