


Worth is a data broker addon that aggregates the item and gold worth of your characters. Item worth is determined by considering vendor price, Auctioneer price and (if the character has the skill) disenchant value. Soulbound tradeskill items like Truesteel Ingot and Gearspring Parts are valued to the crafting materials used to craft them. Primal Spirits are valued at 1/50 of a Savage Blood.

As a large part of the valuation comes from auction house prices, this AddOn depends on Auctioneer Advanced. Make sure you have a representative scan image (scan often).

Feature highlights

  • Per character, server and session statistics
  • Scans bank items
  • Ignores items that are included in gear sets
  • Lists top valued items
  • Works great with broker bars like Bazooka

Worth breakdown by type of value:

  • Invested: soulbound items, valued to the crafting mats used
  • Vendor: valued using the vendor sell price
  • AH: valued using Auctioneer Advanced
  • Disenchant: Valued using Enchantrix if the character has either profession or garrison building


Just install it, nothing can be configured.

Make sure to open your bank on any characters of whom you want the bank items valued.

Feature Requests/Bug Tracker

Please submit Bugs and/or Feature Requests using Github Issues. Please provide as much information as possible, including the exact version you are running, how to reproduce any errors, and a stack trace, if applicable.


Github page: Worth on Github