It is now WOTLK-EPGP, and it has been updated to be for Wrath of the Lichking. Please let me know in Discord when the AddOn produces errors or when I forgot to update something! http://www.azerpug.com/discord


This AddOn is still in development but should function 'as-is' for the minor functionality that has been created already.
In it's current state, the AddOn tracks the amount of player in the raid on the pull of a raid boss and saves them to a dataTable, which in turn is saved to a SavedVar.
This way, the information can be saved and accessed later.

WOTLK-EPGP has been commissioned of Fiverr. Need an AddOn, but unable to program it yourself? Contact us on Fiverr now!

Slash Commands:

  • "/epgp show" toggles the show/hide of the main window. This works both in admin and in non-admin mode.
  • "/epgp sync" will try to sync your data, to those who have accepted you as an allowed-sync through guild and raid.
  • "/epgp add" will add the current target to your dataTable and Saved Character Variable file.
  • "/epgp loot" will toggle the show/hide of the loot specific window, may you have closed this by accident.