WoW Money Statistics

WoW Money Statistics

WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0

WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0

The tooltip for v2.0.0.0 of WoW Money Statistics. Most things on the tooltip can be turned off or on from the right-click context menu.
WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0 - Summary Page

WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0 - Summary Page

WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0 - Pie Chart Screen

WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0 - Pie Chart Screen

Example of all the money transactions that are tracked by WoW Money Statistics. Auction House and Black Market Auction House Refunds are also managed.
WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0 - Context Menu

WoW Money Statistics v2.0.0.0 - Context Menu

The right-click context menu for WoW Money Statistics. This menu changes depending on how WoW Money Statistics is used. As an example, this image was taken when ElvUI was in use and the menu provided additional options.
WoW Money Statistics

WoW Money Statistics