WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Wetlands feedback

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 1 comments


From Curse:
Bombg said
Saturday, August 21, 2010 3:51:38 PM (6 hours ago)

Some Notes I took while doing some of wetlands and Ashenvale.


After completeing Omer's revenge part one, the waypoint to turn it in is pointing to a

far off and wrong location.

When I turned in Omer's revenge part 1, the step wasn't completed.

Using the Hearthstone after accepting omer's revenge p. 2 doesn't complete the step.

After you accept "The Corruption Abroad" in stormwind it's unclear what you have to do

next. The arrow points towards the docks (but the waypoint is actually in auberdine)

and the next step says to turn the quest in. Could benefit from an extra step that

directs the player to auberdine.


The arrow that points towards the Astranaar flight Path is incorrect.

After I reached Astranaar the next step was to turn in "Journey to Astraanar", but I

was never instructed to pick up this quest. Also, I wasn't given a waypoint to turn in

this quest. Although that might have to do with the fact I don't have it.

Turning in "The Zoram Strand" Suffers from the same problem as the Astranaar flight

point. Only leads you to the road, and then you get no new waypoint.

Turning in "The Zoram Strand" doesn't auto complete the step.

Once you reach the first waypoint to stonetalon mountains you don't get a new one


Corrected, will upload. The boat route to Auberdine is all weird now, and I don't know it well enough to be specific, so I just added a "boat to auberdine" step.