WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


|N| text not truncated for small window sizes

kristjin opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I have a long title, and resizing the window will leave the title centered over the titlebar, but will not truncate it to keep it within the new width, instead allowing the text to remain exactly as is.


This is indeed how the behavior works, both for the title and for step text and note text - the guide will always show at least one step.

The reason for this is... well, I'll be honest, it's laziness on my part >_< I'll get around to putting in the more detailed logic and resizing needed to get things to truncate properly in the future. I felt okay leaving it as is for now, since the default is now the auto-resize, and the display setting page mentions that the manual setting is for "advanced" users ;)


Current update fixes the titlebar problem but not the step problem. It's on the way, but I'll be out of town for the next week (ish) so I won't be able to work on it until after that.


Currently steps just truncates, the only thing that doesn't truncate now are notes. I may or may not add a mouse over for steps and notes if they are truncated, but I honestly think that may be more trouble than it's worth.


Remarking this as a feature so it gets pushed to lower priority than a bug, since it's very low priority and has been around for a long time.