WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Gray out ! for too high level quests

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 4 comments


In both guide views, gray out the ! for quests that are un-obtainable at the character's current level. This will help players when they are wanting to skip around in the guide.


Dependency on Issue #14, I'm thinking.


brandon - not necessarily, but they could certainly be tied together. A tag isn't needed to tell us what level quests are, since that information can be gathered from the game (I think - at least, the difficulty can be!)


While you're at it, you could maybe do a separate icon for steps that have a dependency that has been skipped.


Feature works when the Grail addon is present. WoWPro queries Grail to add the quest level to each step and makes the ones that are too high level a dull RED.