WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Revising 000_1_12_Snowflake_Blood_Elf_Starter

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 5 comments




Rilly? Cuz this is about done on my end... I swear I LOOKED here for this before starting on this. And didn't find it. Pooh.


I'm abandoning this, Matt I'm assuming you are farther along than me anyway. Please consider it your project now :D


Alright, no problem. Yes, I'm further along. In fact, I've gone through my revised guide 1.5 times, and now just need to go through it once more, from 1-12 to finalize it. Right now it still needs a couple new quests added to it around level 6-8, and to be cleaned up. Maybe 8-10% of the waypoints/zones need to be finished as well. But I've been focused on coding the Kezan guide and trying to stay out of the beta realms for the most part while pending character transfers complete themselves. I can push what I have to the cata branch or I can wait until I finish it. I prefer the latter, but if you want my work, I can push it.


Naw, just wait until you are done :)


The revisions are cata specific and were pushed a little while back to the cata branch. It still could use a couple quests plugged into it around the level 6 range, and also some filling in of class specific quests and waypoints. It is otherwise pretty solid. Closing this (should have been on the wow-pro forums for cata signups anyway)