WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Night Elf Starter Issue

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Submitted by savagefool on Thu, 2010-08-26 09:31. (via

Is anyone else having a hard time getting the addon to show up when starting a new Night Elf? I have started 3 different Night Elfs and the only way I can get the Addon to display properly is when I log into a character who already has it working then re-log back into the new toon. Then it displays half off the screen but at least then I can drag it back.


Are you able to select a guide from the guide list and have it load properly? But no, this hasn't been an issue for me, it loads one of the guides, generally Manovan's which leads to Hairbo's Darkshore then Redridge with the other guides... the other Night Elf starter, Taralom's goes to Bloodmist after and then joins the Redridge quest line.


Brian - I just tested this. The guide is correctly selected, but the window is no where to be found on the screen.

Looking into it now.


This is very strange. It appears to only occur with night elves. I just can't imagine why this would be. /boggle.


I deleted the first two lines of the guide, to test. It MAY have fixed things. Something must have been getting bungled in there.


seems to have fixed things. I'm wondering if it has to do with the extreme length of the first step's text. Whatever, those first two steps weren't exactly vital, and everything is going to get revamped in cataclysm anyway. I'm comfortable just leaving them out if it fixes the issue.

Now to delete my test characters of "Poodlejumper" and "Poodlehopper"...


I also tried that and it did fix the problem.


Good to hear! Thanks for stopping by to let us know :)