WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Revising 000_1_12_Maws Human_starter

Urdui opened this issue ยท 10 comments




I used this mainly as a personal test.

Tidied code, fixed some typos and co-ordinate/zone errors. Corrected steps for quests that Blizzard revised in the last few patches. Added in sticky steps for multiple objective steps. Added in racial tag for racial specific quests.


I didn't do a step by step changelog... Most of what I did was removing extra spaces and extra vertical divider | lines from the code. I can if needed go back and do a listing of all changes.


Nah, no need for a detailed changelog. Thanks for the update, will get it put into the repository shortly.


Urdui, it appears the file you uploaded is just a shortcut pointing to the human leveling guide. Or maybe I'm just being silly, but regardless I can't seem to get your changes.


I thoughts thatswhat we had to do. I revised the whole guide. I really touched every line, deleting extra spaces, adding punctuation. I didn't change any of the notes, cause I didn't author the guide. So I uploaded the file with ALL the changes worked in. Was there a special way I had to annotate them?


No, I just need the actual file. What I got appeared to be a shortcut, but whatever it was, it was not the lua file :(


Urdui, can you please try uploading the file once again. I would love to try this since I want a pally and only humans will do when it comes to pallys. :)


Hehe, completely understandable.... I'm very sad to have missed PAX this year, due to needing to save both time and money for moving. Next year I'll definitely be there, though - we should organize a WoW-Pro meet up!

I'll grab the file and check it out, but it looks like it's the actual file this time and not a short cut, so everything should be good :)


OKay sorry... PAX 2010 was taking up all my time there for a bit. Here is the revised file.


Grabbed it, uploading shortly.