WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Taxi Module

kristjin opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Okay, in the taxi module, we want different headers for the columns in the guide list, and something like a slider, or check off boxes for additional services. Columns should be Zone, Route, Start, End, and Notes. The notes column would be where I could put a note about what extras are available on the route, or something like that. All columns should just report back whatever text string is between the quotes in the function call portion of the guide. Also, an INCREDIBLY useful function would be to have an option (like when right clicking a step) to report the step notes to the party chat. In fact, I'll do a separate feature request for that since that could be useful to anyone using the guide.


Sorry, what's the taxi module? It's like to provide routes with a list of coordinates, and plot them using TomTom?


Yup, it is a pretty simple modification of the leveling module so I thought I'd whip it up real quick as an experiment to see how well the module idea works. Matt, if you could send me a copy of your guide I would be most grateful to have something to base my modifications on :)


It's the impetus for step completion based on reaching an x,y coordinate. I hear you are behind this feat; I thank you greatly.

Yeah, basically, I have an x-53 touring mount, and a DK in a tux (who has simply HAD it with Arthas and figures it's better to scratch out a living flying a taxi around than working for that LOSER) who has been flying people to all Northrend Flight Paths free of charge. ( The addon is blissfully useful for this, but I have requested a separate module with a unique set of column headers in the guide list and the ability to complete based on reaching an x,y.

Additionally, I want to offer extras at a paid premium, such as scenic routes, zone discovery, and the like. I'm already working on collecting rare drinks from around the World as it is always nice to offer a wine and cheese course, spirits, candy, and snacks. bows


I'm tabling this module, since Pretzl was the main one interested in developing guides for it and he's AFAK for an unknown duration due to RL issues. If he returns to active guide writing, will definitely consider this module again.


Don't hate. :)

Yeah, I'm working 2 days a week and going to school 4, so right now I have very little time. This quarter is over in 5 weeks (but who's counting?) and I'll have a little time just after cata comes out to play and focus on some of the more auxillary wow tasks, before my final quarter at school starts.

For now... I can not complain.

Hope all is going well.


No hatred! I know you is busy!

Like I said, just let me know when and if you are interested in continuing the project, and I will work on it :)