WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Guide Recorder

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 18 comments


Future Module. Will allow you to record a guide, eventually a guide of any module.


Working on this now. Have basic graphic interface done, need to add config and make the buttons actually do stuff!


woah, really. Well well well.



I thought it might be good to have for when addons become enabled in Cata beta. And since I have a toon starting Darkshore, where there is apparently no addon guide, it's a good time. So far I haven't gotten very far, though. I have pretty buttons, a toggle between record and stopped (but record does nothing atm) and a dialog to create a new guide that does nothing other than look kinda ugly (Ace3 dialogs are ugly, but are good for building things quickly).


Going to step it up a notch to try to get this ready, since Cataclysm will be allowing addons shortly. Obviously all our addons will need some tweaks to work with Cataclysm, though.


I pushed a new "Recorder" branch to github. It's based on the Cataclysm branch, since that's where the Recorder will be used most.

Currently the recorder can create a blank guide without throwing errors, and also be successfully /reloaded without throwing errors. However, currently the blank guide only exists in working memory, and is lost on /reload. Nothing actually records yet, either >_<

I'll need to copy my changes to the core files over to the other branches eventually, but I think they are specific enough to the Recorder that I'm not going to merge the files until it's done.


Current version reads accept steps! I did a lot of modifying of the core stuff, though, so I may end up merging it into the other versions. We'll see.

Currently for accept steps it tracks coordinates, adds a zone tag if needed, tracks QID, and leaves "From NPCNAME." in the note. It will also update your guide window and check off the step you just created. Automatically sticks step at the end of the guide - in the future I'll probably add the ability to set an insertion point, and a nice graphic interface for that - but not now.


Turn ins now record, and also put the NPC name in the note as long as you have them targeted.

Completes also now record, and try to determine whether the complete step is combat or non-combat based on the type of quest objective - some manual toggling may be necessary.

Complete steps use the coordinates of where-ever you were when the step actually completed, so some manual adjusting will probably be needed.


Class stuff done but not really tested. Stop and Record buttons now do stuff


To out of energy to do any more tonight. Basically it does all the recording but none of the saving or editing or opening previous files. Will try to do more tomorrow but may have to wait until next week.


Get flight path steps, set hearth steps, and level ups now record.


To do: set up quest accept etc. for class specific quests


Working on this more tonight


Recorder should be fully functional now! I'll upload it as a package today or tomorrow.


Merged the recorder into both Cataclysm and master branches now that it's "done" - there are a few more features I want to add eventually, but it works now.

Future features: Manual step add, ability to change position in the guide (preferably a nice graphic interface), "Add note" button, ability to edit any step in the guide. Also, want to GET RID OF NASTY ACE3 DIALOG FRAMES! And get some nicer custom ones.

However, despite all that, the recorder should be very very nice for getting fresh guides going, Please let me know right away if you notice any issues!


Not sure how we should handle this issue.. I guess move the things I want to add to the addon to individual feature issues?


Yeah. Perhaps with also a new label ("Recorder").




Please note that the Tour Guide recorder (available on WoW Interface) works very well as an interim solution until we get something of our own going.