WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


|PRE| Quest not being skipped Zul'Drak

Twists opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When doing the Alliance An Invitation, of Sorts... (|QID|12631|) quest chain, Suit Up! (|QID|12649|) appears as a quest that needs to be completed. The |PRE| looks correct for this quest and even skips the previous quest Silver Lining (|QID|12643| ) which is in the same chain.


Will look into it, thanks for the report.


I see nothing at all wrong with the coding for that guide file (as you mentioned), so I'm boggled as to why this isn't skipping properly. Any other clues? I don't even know what to ask, why it would skip one and not the other is beyond me.

I've reworked a little of the skipping logic to hopefully make it flow better and fix some other issues, so we'll see how it works in the next build.


This appears to be resolved with the latest release. Thanks.