WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Recorder Mangles Zone names with apostrophes

tarix opened this issue ยท 4 comments


A guide with the registration line of:
WoWPro_Leveling:RegisterGuide("AriVas8082", "'Vash'jir", "Arixan", "80", "82", "AriHyj8082", "Horde", function()

will get converted to:
WoWPro_Leveling:RegisterGuide('AriVas8082', 'Vash'jir', 'Arixan', '80', '82', 'AriHyj8082', 'Horde', function()

This change of quotes will cause the script to fail to load and thus the entire Leveling guide will fail to load.


Hmm. escape characters may help us here, but my worry is how that will work with TomTom, once it's actually updated for the beta.


For this particular case I just changed it to Vashjir for now. The actual zone name seems to be something different anyway so every step already has a |Z| tag. Once TomTom is updated then we can solve it "properly" and fix the data.


Yeah, looking at it again - after you are done using the recorder (which uses single quotes) - just manually change the registration line to double quotes and add back in the apostrophe.


I'm marking this resolved - while mildly annoying, it's not really something I think we'll devote time to as it's simple to fix and only an issue with the recorder, not with the guide itself.