WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


New Ability or Talent Point Reminder

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 11 comments


A simple icon which appears somewhere stuck to the guide frame - lets the user know they have an ability to learn or a talent point to spend. Stays until the user learns the ability/spends the talent point, or until manually dismissed. Obviously can be turned off if desired.

Should be able to display a summary of what is learn-able on hover-over.

Figure this could just be part of the leveling module rather than a separate module. Probably warrants it's own little lua file.


By the way, I tested this and the Spell Available icon seems to be working exactly as intended, including going away when you learn the spell. Yay!

Still need to do the talent point thingy.


Can this maybe disregard the riding/flying abilities, at least the last 2 ranks? Or the icon will just remain permanently for my poor alts. :P


Yeah, I noticed that. Or at least have a way to disable it. I will look into it!


I disabled that but broke something else. Will fix later, it's not being bad right now, it's just not showing up at all, so low priority!


As I was reminded by an older request, this could just be done via a sticky step. That's a bit more intrusive than I was thinking, though.


Spent a long time fighting with this tonight. Able to get a list of spells very easily. Working on the button. Got it to display when necessary.

At this point I just need help with a tooltip, and perhaps making the button prettier. It also doesn't currently do anything - I want left-click to display a list of spells and right-click to open the spellbook.

Talent stuff to come in the future!

Anyway, if anyone could help me with learning how to properly use the in-game tooltip stuff, I'd really appreciate it. I tried in the past and failed horribly.


I decided to just do the tooldtip the same way I did the mouse-over-notes. Hope that works okay, if anyone has a more elegant solution for it, I'm all ears!


Spell part is now done! It can be polished later, but I think it's functional enough. Currently sits right where the recorder sits though, will have to do something about that eventually >_<


Oops, forgot to put in something to tell the addon to get rid of the spell book icon when the user learns the spell. Also, need something so the user can manually banish it, and a setting so that they can make it never appear if they don't like it. Stupid customizability >_<


Okay, listening for the TRAINER_UPDATE event, hopefully that's the right one. Not going to worry about the customization features right now, my brain's a little fried.

Going to look at the talent one, but may not get to it today.


This feature broke for the Pandaria expansion and was excised.
The game defaults are now not so bad.