WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


A frame for images

silvann opened this issue ยท 4 comments


For the Dungeons module, I'll probably allow guides to show relevant images. Maybe we can have a frame for that in the core addon?


Sound good to me! Would you like to work on this along with that module? It's something that can be used for other guides, leveling included, but it seems more necessary for dungeons.

I would like it to be easily collapsible, so the user can hide it if they don't need it. maybe via a button floating above or next to the step? Dunno.


I could work on this, but my priority now is to get a basic, working module first. So if you or someone else work on this before I get to it, I wouldn't mind, hehe.


Hah, alright, we'll see, but my priority atm is recording cata guides :D I will have a TON of time in December, after Cata's release, to fine tune things and add things like this - I have several weeks off from school for winter break.


The technology for displaying 3-D images of NPCs in the word exists in the game.
The in-game dungeon guide includes this information, including looting.
We should make use of the code there, but provide a version that is more suitable for use during a game.