WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Quests not always Auto-populating from the server as completed

Twists opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Some issues with the quests not always being marked off when you first log in to the character with a pre-selected guide or when resetting the current guide.


The guide steps related to completed quests should auto-complete correctly. But guide steps like Flight Points, etc can wrongly reset. Also, skipped steps can reset when loading the guide again.or resetting it (intended). Is that what you are experiencing? If not, then there's a bug I'm not aware of...


No, this is different but it may be the way I am intergrating my rep guide into the leveling guide. For the resetting, it would totally wipe out all quests and start at the first again. I also had instances where C and T steps would be checked off even though I had not picked up the A yet.

Again, it might be they way I have my rep guide set up. I will have to look at pulling them into the leveling module and try it from there.


You are dealing with repeatable quests, yes?

The current implementation of the leveling module might have trouble with repeatable quests, since it adds to it's completed quest database as you go. I'm thinking the problem would resolve itself if you were to /reload before reseting the guide, because on reload it pulls the completed quest database from the server.

For a repeatable quest-based module, we definitely would want to change that feature so that quests are NOT automatically added to the completed quest database when they are turned in. However I don't want to remove that feature for the leveling portion because many features depend on checking completed QIDs and they would break without it.

If you'd like to upload the code you have so far for your module, I'd be happy to take a look at it and see if we can iron out some of these issues :)


No code, just using the leveling module as a dependency in the TOC. Yes, I've discovered that the repeatable quests require a reload. That is a simple thing to over-come as I have as the last line of my guide a |N| instructing the user to reload the guide each day.

No, this occurred as I was writing the QID steps. I would have to do a UI reload to pick them up. That is when strange things would happen. It would check off parts of steps etc. I would then do a reload of the guide to refresh and it would a) work correctly; or b) totally wipe out all the completes and have me start back at 1. The only way to resolve it was to completely log out of the toon and come back in. But even then, I would come back in and some of the steps were manually checked off.


I know why b is happening, it's something I JUST talked to silvann about. Should never happen unless you BOTH: 1) /reload and 2) reset the guide WITHIN 10 MINUTES.

Theoretically this is not something that our users will often do. It's an irritation for developers, though, and right now the Cataclysm branch here on Github has this issue fixed in exchange for always having the massive QID table sitting in memory.

If you are modifying the guide at all while playing, you might see some strange behavior in terms of what things are checked off and what aren't, ESPECIALLY if you are using |O| steps. Reason: checked off stuff is remembered by order only. So if you change anything at all about the order of the steps, your data and your guide are no longer in sync. Again, this should only be a problem for developers, since it happens while you are writing, so you should be okay if you know how to deal with it.

Hope that helps a bit!

On a separate note - we do plan to make something of a real module for rep/profs that deals better with daily quests. It's just going to have to wait until after the mad crazy leveling guide recording is done. When it is, we should be able to port your guides into that module, so yeah. I guess look forward to it :D


It does help and gives me an idea of what to expect and how it behaves. Maybe I can come up with a better way of handling it. Will have to look into it as I build my rep guide.