WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Add Coordinate

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 4 comments


One-click method for adding a coordinate to a step. Should they be added on to the beginning or the end?


By beginning or end - I mean each coordinate added at the beginning or end of a string of coordinates. But nevermind, I've decided on the end I think.

I think I've worked out how I want to do this though. I'll have another small frame which will contain your coordinates, a "coordinate bank" if you will. You click a button to record your current position and add it to the coordinate bank (added after any coordinates currently in the bank). Once you are satisfied with your string of coordinates (or single coordinate) - you select a step by clicking on the step, then click a button to add all the coordinates in the bank to the step.

How does this sound?


Ahh - yes I had forgotten about multiple coordinates - your idea sounds great - as long as it is relatively straight-forward to add a single coordinate too - this is mainly for manual run to steps i.e. where you need to run to the entrance of a cave etc before heading in.


I'll vote +1 for this - as it really is the only feature I've found missing so far - it is really awesome - looking back through the files now.

Beginning or end of the text line? I like the current format where the note is basically the last thing with the coordinate before it.

In terms of the dialog - I would say add it to the right of the coordinates and zone fields.


Might be worth a look at as part of this - but I had a few cases where adding the coordinates to a Run step weren't adding the coordinates. This might be user error (i.e. I didn't hit the Okay button on the field) because I did have one case where it worked. I'll test again when I can and see.