WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Partial completion steps

silvann opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Possibly a bug when they don't autocomplete, for "QO" steps. Reported by Liavan on WoWPro.


I've been meaning to check this for some time. I think when 'complete' is create it's assumed to be true (perhaps I am misunderstanding how variables are initialized in lua, I'm still very noobish). Regardless, I know this feature hasn't been working well, so I will do some testing tonight and try to get it going again.


Took a quick look at the partial completion code:

-- Partial Completion --

        if WoWPro.QuestLog[QID] and WoWPro.QuestLog[QID].leaderBoard and WoWPro.questtext[i] then 
            local numquesttext = select("#", string.split(";", WoWPro.questtext[i]))
            local complete
            for l=1,numquesttext do
                local lquesttext = select(numquesttext-l+1, string.split(";", WoWPro.questtext[i]))
                local lcomplete = false
                for _, objective in pairs(WoWPro.QuestLog[QID].leaderBoard) do --Checks each of the quest log objectives
                    if lquesttext == objective then --if the objective matches the step's criteria, mark true
                        lcomplete = true
                if not lcomplete then complete = false end --if one of the listed objectives isn't complete, then the step is not complete.
            if complete then WoWPro.CompleteStep(i) end --if the step has not been found to be incomplete, run the completion function

Seems the local variable 'complete' can never be true, thus never calling CompleteStep. But since Jiyambi wrote that code and I'm not able to test now, it's just an idea of what's wrong.


Yeah apparently I just needed to set complete = true at the beginning. Initialization FAIL!