WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


4.0.3a error

ikibewn opened this issue ยท 3 comments


here is buggraber output

8x WoWPro-2.0.1\WoWPro_Broker.lua:12: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
WoWPro-2.0.1\WoWPro_Broker.lua:12: in function `LoadGuide'
WoWPro_Leveling-2.0.1\WoWPro_Leveling_GuideList.lua:69: in function <...AddOns\WoWPro_Leveling\WoWPro_Leveling_GuideList.lua:59>

self =

CreateTitleBar = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:449:
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:383:
GuideFrame = WoWPro.GuideFrame {}
CompleteStep = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Broker.lua:251:
CreateFrames = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:801:
EnableModule = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:348:
CustomizeFrames = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:331:
findBlizzCoords = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Mapping.lua:233:
IterateEmbeds = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:458:
CreateItemButton = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Widgets.lua:59:
CreateHeading = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Widgets.lua:100:
CreateCheck = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Widgets.lua:5:
BackgroundSet = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:106:
CreateScrollbar = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Widgets.lua:136:
CreateNote = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Widgets.lua:39:
SetDefaultModulePrototype = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425:
CreateSkipStepsDialog = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:653:
UpdateGuide = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Broker.lua:48:
CreateAction = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Widgets.lua:21:
defaultModuleState = true
IsEnabled = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:467:
CreateTrack = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Widgets.lua:49:
DisableModule = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:366:
MinimapSet = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:21:
NextStep = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Broker.lua:132:
FauxTargetButton = WoWPro_FauxTargetButton {}
dbp = @ WoWPro\WoWPro.lua:16:
UnregisterEvents = @ WoWPro\WoWPro.lua:190:
ActiveStickyCount = 0
CreateMiniMapButton = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:629:
SetEnabledState = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440:
RegisterEvents = @ WoWPro\WoWPro.lua:180:
RowFontSet = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:143:
StickyFrame = WoWPro.StickyFrame {}
ResetMainFramePosition = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:15:
ShownRows = 0
OnEnable = @ WoWPro\WoWPro.lua:84:
Version = "2.0.1"
DropdownMenu =
CreateGuideFrame = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:528:
PaddingSet = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:74:
MinimapButton =
DebugMode = false
SkipStepDialogCall = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:693:
TitleText = {}
SkipStepsCancelButton = Cancel {}
CreateMouseNotes = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:599:
Enable = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:315:
NewModule = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:256:
CreateAnchorFrame = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:368:
SkipStepsDialogText = {}
SkipStepsDialog = Skip Steps {}
GetModule = @ Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:231:
NextGuideDialog = Guide Completed {}
CreateDropdownMenu = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:759:
mousenotes =
AnchorSet = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:268:
RowSet = @ WoWPro\WoWPro_Frames.lua:325:
rows =


Very odd, it's saying the table WoWPro.Tags is nil, but I don't think LoadGuide() should be called until after that table is initialized and populated... My only guess would be that Ace misbehaved and didn't properly enable the addon? If the enable function was not called, that would cause the table to be nil...

EDIT: Oh, silvann, you had already responded! I agree, just moving it out of the enable section seems the easiest fix. Uploading fix to github now.


Not able to reproduce that. >.< But it's complaining that WoWPro.Tags table is not created yet, maybe something similar with that early customization. But since that table is a constant in the core addon, I suggest just moving it out of OnEnable function:

-- Core Tag Setup --
WoWPro.Tags = { "action", "step", "note", "index", "map", "sticky",
"unsticky", "use", "zone", "lootitem", "lootqty", "optional",
"level", "target", "prof", "rep", "waypcomplete", "rank"


Two things I did to correct that:

  1. delete old wtf file
  2. disable the on mouse option that seems to cause issue.

Since then everything is fine.