WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Revising Dun Morogh guide

gameldar opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Currently running through this with the recorder - will clean up and write up once I'm complete.


whoops...didn't see this. I currently have a starter guide for dwarfs to level 5. It takes you as far as the Kharano's quests. I was going to start from there tonight and see if I could take it to level 10. How far have you made it too?


I've just finished running through and recording it now - however the final quest (Grimaxe's Demise) was bugged and I think I missed a couple of sub-steps where I had forgotten to start recording again so I was going to run through it all again on my gnome priest to see how it goes.

However I haven't been back through the guide yet to add in sticky steps and any appropriate comments.


I've committed this now. I couldn't see the dwarf starter to update to set this as the next guide though.