WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Record event actions for quest objectives

gameldar opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Presently if a quest objective is finished by say talking to a NPC it will create a C action and then the next quest objective will add a new A action and then another C action.

While this should theoretically be fine, it is cleaner to have one A action and then multiple C with the QO tag set.


This was added to the recorder a few years ago!


This diff should hopefully fix this - it is completely untested tho - just putting it up so I can grab it from home and test it

diff --git a/WoWPro_Recorder/WoWPro_Recorder.lua b/WoWPro_Recorder/WoWPro_Recorder.lua
index af5cc0f..4abe1d5 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Recorder/WoWPro_Recorder.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Recorder/WoWPro_Recorder.lua
@@ -195,10 +195,14 @@ function WoWPro.Recorder:RegisterEvents()
                                                if not WoWPro.oldQuests[QID].complete then
                                                        WoWPro:dbp("Quest "..QID.." is newly complete.")
                                                        local nc = false
+              local qt = nil
                                                        if GetNumQuestLeaderBoards(questInfo.index) then 
                                                                for j=1,GetNumQuestLeaderBoards(questInfo.index) do 
-                                                                       local objtype = select(2,GetQuestLogLeaderBoard(j, questInfo.index))
-                                                                       if objtype == "event" then nc = true end
+                                                                       local desc, objtype, done = GetQuestLogLeaderBoard(j, questInfo.index)
+                                                                       if done and objtype == "event" then
+                    nc = true
+                    qt = desc
+                  end
                                                        local stepInfo = {
@@ -209,7 +213,8 @@ function WoWPro.Recorder:RegisterEvents()
                                                                zone = zonetag,
                                                                noncombat = nc,
                                                                use = questInfo.use,
-                                                               class = checkClassQuest(QID,WoWPro.QuestLog)
+                                                               class = checkClassQuest(QID,WoWPro.QuestLog),
+                questtext = qt

So it doesn't work... because the part surrounding that is a check to see if the quest is complete. For this to work we'd also have to track the leader board entries.

That said after I turned of the auto resizing and turned on scrolling it made it a lot easier to edit via the ui after the fact.

I'll leave this open as it'd be nice to have - but isn't completely necessary.