WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Step completion 'ding' plays more than it should

oathblade opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Ive noticed somethign I thought was a enw feature, when I update a quest I got a little 'ding' like when someone taps the minimap in a group.

But it quickly turned into 'ding-ding-ding-ding-ding' every single update. Accepting a quest, turning one in, getting 1 of 8 wombat livers, etc. This causes a bit fo lag which I ignored but I ended up with 7-8 mobs on me and three of them died and they were quest mobs, the game stopped for about two seconds and resumed with me dead.

This gets worse the longer I play the game. Im grinding to 8 so Im questing 5-6 hours at a time by by the end of that I can accept a quest and wait a second before I can move again. Ironicly right after the patch I didnt notice it so much because wow was so unstable it crashed all the time and reset itself :P


The 'ding' is a new feature, you can disable it in the addon's interface option. But it should only plays when a step is actually being completed, which includes usually accepting and turning in quests. If it's playing more than that or several times per step, then it's a bug that I'll look into it.

The incresing lag is a known issue, unrelated with the 'ding' sound, but unfortunately it will take a while to get fixed. For now, I recommend re-logging from time to time.

Thanks for the report!


Ill try disabling it and get back to you on what happens. In the blades edge on the capturing the drake quest it was dinging when an egg popped and stopping my game, and then again when i actually netted one.


Silvann - I've noticed the ding happening on update too. I suspect at some point I must have forgotten to check if a step was previously marked as complete before having the guide see if it's complete and marking it complete.... so things that are already marked as complete are getting marked again, and this happens on every quest log update (any time a quest mob dies, for example).

I'll have a look at the code, I'm finally done with most of my class work for the term so I can finally catch up on all this stuff!


Did this. Marking resolved.